Lately I have been meditating on moments of unabashed joy. They’re like pockets to tuck into, to be engulfed by, as if a memory could give me a hug. Most involve moments with my children — a neck nuzzle, a shared giggle, or cheeks full of chocolate-chip pancakes.

But in the memory I’ve spent the most time in lately, it’s just my husband, Tim, and me.

April 14, 2020

Image from iStock

In a hospital at the center of the crisis, nearly 200 babies have arrived since March. Some pregnant women have fallen extremely ill, but doctors are winning battles for their lives and their children’s.

By Sheri Fink, Photographs by Victor J. Blue

April 12, 2020

Like most parents, perhaps mothers especially, I had been haunted by the terror of what if since becoming pregnant. Intrusive thoughts bounced around my skull like toxic earworms. My overworked adrenal glands pushed me through sleepless nights and the boredom of those early days. The fear seemed necessary.

I never thought to question the anxiety of my postpartum life. Even before the pandemic…

Review By Susannah Cahalan

April 7, 2020

Image by Jorge Santiago

Un fotografo nelle sale parto degli ospedali milanesi Buzzi, San Raffaele e Humanitas San Pio X. Le mascherine che non frenano i baci, la gioia oltre la paura, le dirette streaming che permettono ai padri di sentirsi vicini, anche se l’epidemia impone le distanze.

di Alessandro Gandolfi

March 20, 2020

Bellies Abroad is a registered Not for Profit whose mission is for every family to have a positive, safe and respected birth, to make well informed choices, and to receive the help and support they need during  pregnancy, post natal and parenting experiences.